Robb Foundation

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a unified voice of people living with down syndrome in order to advocate for equalization of opportunities, involvement and participation in policy planning and implementation of down syndrome programs in close collaboration with government, NGOs and the general public to influence the provision of service in favor of people living with down syndrome.

Our Vission

Our vision is to create a world where all persons living with down syndrome will be accepted and included in the society.To provide comprehensive service to children who are affected and help them reach their potential and thrive in their communities. We intend to help families with advocacy and provide educational ,therapeutic and recreational programs. The foundation is privileged to have dedicated personnel and volunteers who works tirelessly to ensure the families and children living with Down Syndrome have the support they need.

About Us

The Roshelle Brago Foundation (ROBBFOUNDATION) is an NGO that brings together various health professionals and volunteers to create more awareness on downs syndrome by campaigning for change and providing innovative services that gives people with downs syndrome the opportunity to live life like any other member of the society. it was founded in March, 2016 bu Miss Mavis Opoku Asantewaa, A community Mental Health Officer.
we are Ghanaian based disabled peoples organization , comprising a membership of individuals and organizations from all over the country,committed to improving quality life for people with Down Syndrome,promoting their rights to be included on a full and equal basis with others.

What We Believe in

we believe that with proper information and education we will be able to dispel the stigma associated with Down Syndrome and other disabilities. We believe early detection and intervention is crucial to making great strides in the development of any child with the condition. We believe by assisting families of people with Down Syndrome on how to get the necessary professional help ,we can make an impact in the lives of these children. We believe each child has a unique ability and it is our duty to help them recognize that and excel.

Our Story

In 2012 our little sweet baby girl was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. it was a difficult time for our family but the love and support for each other kept us going.We had to find ways to help her reached her full potential.we enrolled her into a school that uses inclusive education programs and with the help of amazing team and doctors she made a great impact.In our parts of the world we realized that there was lack of awareness and the necessary support to help other children like ours with learning disabilities.We then embarked on this journey to raise awareness and ensure that children with learning disabilities gets the support they need to reach their full potentials,and ultimately make positive contribution to their communities and the world as a whole.

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